
Yesterday I installed IntelliJ IDEA IDE and so far I like it (I used to use NetBeans which I like and Eclipse which I avoid).

When it comes to code editor I would like to change javadoc popup behavior in 2 ways:

  1. I set javadoc popup to show after one second (Settings -> Editor -> Code completion -> Autopopup documentation in). However it only works when I press Ctrl + Space for code completion. When code completion pops up automatically javadoc window does not show. And I want it to. Simply, it is the same issue as the one addressed here:
  2. The javadoc popup window hides current line (it pops just over code completion window). It would be better if it popped over actual line (with caret) without hiding it.

Is there any plugin that allows such a customisation? Or any setting that I missed?


Here is the picture explaining situation 2:enter image description here

As you can see because of javadoc popup I cannot see what I am currently writing - part of the word "System."

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The problem with JavaDoc hiding the code is caused by the low horizontal resolution when the popup cannot fit on the right. Normally displays have enough horizontal pixels to fit it. In any case it's still a bug that can be fixed by displaying the popup above the current line of code.

I've submitted this bug to YouTrack, feel free to vote.

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