
This isn't the best programming question but lets face it, the server fault guys aren't well versed in git, so I think its more towards this audience.

I want to switch to TortoiseGit, or PortableGit in my shell, but I'm left with these annoying context-menu options.

How do I get them to go away? Do I have to write a script to uninstall them?

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64-Bit Windows

From a cmd.exe window, run these commands:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\git-cheetah"
regsvr32 /u git_shell_ext64.dll

32-Bit Windows

From a cmd.exe window, run these commands

cd "C:\Program Files\Git\git-cheetah"
regsvr32 /u git_shell_ext.dll

Windows 10

If you are on Windows 10 and the previous methods did not work try to uninstall the application and reinstall it. But be careful during the installation process unchecking Windows explorer integration

enter image description here


Only this registry removal - nothing else - worked for me on Win8.1, as of recent versions:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









You can also disable single entries using CCleaner.

enter image description here

When you install msysgit there is an option for "Windows Explorer Integration" that you uncheck to not have them show up.

You can rerun the setup and uncheck the option, or uninstall and reinstall and uncheck it then.

In Windows 10 nothing of the above did work for me. The best solution I found is to uninstall the application and reinstall it and be careful during the installation process to uncheck Windows explorer integration

remove git remove click menu options

I had a similar issue and All the above answer does not work for me, THEN Finally I found a solution in below steps.

Step 1 : Type regedit in start menu

Step 2 : Run the registry editor

Step 3 : Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell

Step 4 : click on "shell"

Step 5 : Right click on "Git Bash Here" and choose the delete option


To add to what dfkt said, there's one more location that has it, for the Library Folders:


That specific number between HKEY_USERS and Software probably varies from person to person, and account to account, so make sure it's right for you.

So, the modified, complete registry removal would be:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00










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