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I have UIPopoverController

    UINavigationController *navVC = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:loginVC] autorelease];

    navVC.modalInPopover = YES;
    navVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;    

    _popoverLoginVC = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:navVC];

And when I present popover

  [self.popoverLoginVC presentPopoverFromRect:centerFrame

It looks like it is modal (I can't close popover by tapping outside) but other area hadn't dimmed. I have played with modalPresentationStyle with no luck (

Please, advise

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Remove the line

navVC.modalInPopover = YES;

navVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;


It's modal because you're setting it to be modal.

navVC.modalInPopover = YES;

Just delete that and you should be fine if I understand you correctly.

A popover isn't meant to (and can't be specified to) dim the 'background' views, even if presented modally.


This is not a valid value for this parameter and will result in undefined behavior (at least in iOS >= 6). You must specify one of:

UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp = 1UL << 0,
UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown = 1UL << 1,
UIPopoverArrowDirectionLeft = 1UL << 2,
UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight = 1UL << 3,
UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny = UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp | UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown | UIPopoverArrowDirectionLeft | UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight,

Unfortunately, "no arrow" is not a supported option. :(

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