
I get the following error when attempting to install RubyGems. I've tried Googling but have had no luck there. Has anybody encountered and resolved this issue before?

C:\rubygems-1.3.0> ruby setup.rb
install -c -m 0644 rubygems/validator.rb C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/validator.rb
install -c -m 0644 rubygems/version.rb C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/version.rb
install -c -m 0644 rubygems/version_option.rb C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/version_option.rb
install -c -m 0644 rubygems.rb C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb
install -c -m 0644 ubygems.rb C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb
cp gem C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/gem
install -c -m 0755 C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/gem C:/Ruby/bin/gem
rm C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/gem
install -c -m 0755 C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/gem.bat C:/Ruby/bin/gem.bat
rm C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/gem.bat
Removing old RubyGems RDoc and ri
Installing rubygems-1.3.0 ri into C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/rubygems-1.3.0/ri
./lib/rubygems.rb:713:in `set_paths': undefined method `uid' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:711:in `each'
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:711:in `set_paths'
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:518:in `path'
        from ./lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:66:in `installed_spec_directories'
        from ./lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:56:in `from_installed_gems'
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:726:in `source_index'
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:138:in `activate'
        from ./lib/rubygems.rb:49:in `gem'
        from setup.rb:279:in `run_rdoc'
        from setup.rb:296


I have Ruby 1.8.6 installed on my laptop running Windows Vista.

Thanks in advance, Brian

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I assume you're not trying to install under cygwin; that install is meant for unix-like operating systems. Edit: (Actually, from the log above it looks like there is some Windows-specific stuff being run... perhaps you're running into a UAC protection issue?)

If you just use the Windows ruby one-click installer, it includes rubygems. If you're not getting the rubygems functionality, you may need to require "rubygems" in your script, or add -rubygems to your RUBYOPT environment variable. (You can also require rubygems from the command line with ruby -rubygems myscript.rb.

Are you trying to install it separately for some other reason?


I have rubygems 1.2.0 installed on Vista and it works fine. I have no tested rubygems 1.3.0 yet.

I found the same error with rubygems 1.3 on Vista. I downgraded to 1.2 and it seems to have fixed it

I can confirm also, rubygems 1.3.0 on windows for some strange reason doesn't work at all.

Downgrade, by re-installing 1.2.0 on top of the 1.3.0.

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