
I'm trying to see if there's a way to implement
the "closest" method on phpQuery (just like it works on jQuery).
Is there such a thing?

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From Commonly Confused Bits Of jQuery:


This is a bit of a well-kept secret, but very useful. It works like parents(), except that it returns only one parent/ancestor. In my experience, you’ll normally want to check for the existence of one particular element in an element’s ancestry, not a whole bunch of them, so I tend to use this more than parents().

So as parents() exists in phpQuery you can go with the example from the source

Tip: you can simulate closest() by using parents() and limiting it to one returned element.

$($('#element1').parents('#element2').get(0)).css('background', '#f90');


To actually spell out the phpquery syntax... (took me ages to get this!)

I wanted to extract the 'item' from an RSS feed that contained a specific enclosure (media file link).

function fetch($feed ,$fname)
    // load the file


    // Find the first enclosure that links to the file
    // drill up to the parent elements to 'item' take the first (0)
    // this is the 'nearest' equivalent

    return pq("enclosure[url='" . $fname ."']:first")->parents('item')->xml();
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