
I'm looking for a tool that will, in bulk, add a license header to some source files, some of which already have the header. Is there a tool out there that will insert a header, if it is not already present?

Edit: I am intentionally not marking an answer to this question, since answers are basically all environment-specific and subjective

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for i in *.cc # or whatever other pattern...
  if ! grep -q Copyright $i
    cat copyright.txt $i >$ && mv $ $i


Python solution, modify for your own need


  • handles UTF headers (important for most IDEs)
  • recursively updates all files in target directory passing given mask (modify the .endswith parameter for the filemask of your language (.c, .java, ..etc)
  • ability to overwrite previous copyright text (provide old copyright parameter to do this)
  • optionally omits directories given in the excludedir array


# updates the copyright information for all .cs files
# usage: call recursive_traversal, with the following parameters
# parent directory, old copyright text content, new copyright text content

import os

excludedir = ["..\\Lib"]

def update_source(filename, oldcopyright, copyright):
    utfstr = chr(0xef)+chr(0xbb)+chr(0xbf)
    fdata = file(filename,"r+").read()
    isUTF = False
    if (fdata.startswith(utfstr)):
        isUTF = True
        fdata = fdata[3:]
    if (oldcopyright != None):
        if (fdata.startswith(oldcopyright)):
            fdata = fdata[len(oldcopyright):]
    if not (fdata.startswith(copyright)):
        print "updating "+filename
        fdata = copyright + fdata
        if (isUTF):

def recursive_traversal(dir,  oldcopyright, copyright):
    global excludedir
    fns = os.listdir(dir)
    print "listing "+dir
    for fn in fns:
        fullfn = os.path.join(dir,fn)
        if (fullfn in excludedir):
        if (os.path.isdir(fullfn)):
            recursive_traversal(fullfn, oldcopyright, copyright)
            if (fullfn.endswith(".cs")):
                update_source(fullfn, oldcopyright, copyright)

oldcright = file("oldcr.txt","r+").read()
cright = file("copyrightText.txt","r+").read()
recursive_traversal("..", oldcright, cright)

Check out the copyright-header RubyGem. It supports files with extensions ending in php, c, h, cpp, hpp, hh, rb, css, js, html. It can also add and remove headers.

Install it by typing "sudo gem install copyright-header"

After that, can do something like:

copyright-header --license GPL3 \
  --add-path lib/ \
  --copyright-holder 'Dude1 <>' \
  --copyright-holder 'Dude2 <>' \
  --copyright-software 'Super Duper' \
  --copyright-software-description "A program that makes life easier" \
  --copyright-year 2012 \
  --copyright-year 2012 \
  --word-wrap 80 --output-dir ./

It also supports custom license files using the --license-file argument.

Here's a Bash script that'll do the trick, assuming you have the license header in the file license.txt:


for x in $*; do  
head -$LICENSELEN $x | diff license.txt - || ( ( cat license.txt; echo; cat $x) > /tmp/file;  
mv /tmp/file $x )  

Now run this in your source directory:

export LICENSELEN=`wc -l license.txt | cut -f1 -d ' '`  
find . -type f \(-name \*.cpp -o -name \*.h \) -print0 | xargs -0 ./  

Edit: If you're using eclipse, there's a plugin

I wrote a simple python script based on Silver Dragon's reply. I needed a more flexible solution so I came up with this. It allows you to add a headerfile to all files in a directory, recursively. You can optionally add a regex which the filenames should match, and a regex wich the directory names should match and a regex which the first line in the file shouldn't match. You can use this last argument to check if the header is already included.

This script will automatically skip the first line in a file if this starts with a shebang (#!). This to not break other scripts that rely on this. If you do not wish this behaviour you'll have to comment out 3 lines in writeheader.

here it is:

This script attempts to add a header to each file in the given directory 
The header will be put the line after a Shebang (#!) if present.
If a line starting with a regular expression 'skip' is present as first line or after the shebang it will ignore that file.
If filename is given only files matchign the filename regex will be considered for adding the license to,
by default this is '*'

usage: python headerfile directory [filenameregex [dirregex [skip regex]]]

easy example: add header to all files in this directory:
python licenseheader.txt . 

harder example adding someone as copyrightholder to all python files in a source directory,exept directories named 'includes' where he isn't added yet:
python licenseheader.txt src/ ".*\.py" "^((?!includes).)*$" "#Copyright .* Jens Timmerman*" 
where licenseheader.txt contains '#Copyright 2012 Jens Timmerman'
import os
import re
import sys

def writeheader(filename,header,skip=None):
    write a header to filename, 
    skip files where first line after optional shebang matches the skip regex
    filename should be the name of the file to write to
    header should be a list of strings
    skip should be a regex
    f = open(filename,"r")
    inpt =f.readlines()
    output = []

    #comment out the next 3 lines if you don't wish to preserve shebangs
    if len(inpt) > 0 and inpt[0].startswith("#!"): 
        inpt = inpt[1:]

    if skip and skip.match(inpt[0]): #skip matches, so skip this file

    output.extend(header) #add the header
    for line in inpt:
        f = open(filename,'w')
        print "added header to %s" %filename
    except IOError,err:
        print "something went wrong trying to add header to %s: %s" % (filename,err)

def addheader(directory,header,skipreg,filenamereg,dirregex):
    recursively adds a header to all files in a dir
    arguments: see module docstring
    listing = os.listdir(directory)
    print "listing: %s " %listing
    #for each file/dir in this dir
    for i in listing:
        #get the full name, this way subsubdirs with the same name don't get ignored
        fullfn = os.path.join(directory,i) 
        if os.path.isdir(fullfn): #if dir, recursively go in
            if (dirregex.match(fullfn)):
                print "going into %s" % fullfn
                addheader(fullfn, header,skipreg,filenamereg,dirregex)
            if (filenamereg.match(fullfn)): #if file matches file regex, write the header
                writeheader(fullfn, header,skipreg)

def main(arguments=sys.argv):
    main function: parses arguments and calls addheader
    ##argument parsing
    if len(arguments) > 6 or len(arguments) < 3:
        sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s headerfile directory [filenameregex [dirregex [skip regex]]]\n" \
                         "Hint: '.*' is a catch all regex\nHint:'^((?!regexp).)*$' negates a regex\n"%sys.argv[0])

    skipreg = None
    fileregex = ".*"
    dirregex = ".*"
    if len(arguments) > 5:
        skipreg = re.compile(arguments[5])
    if len(arguments) > 3:
        fileregex =  arguments[3]
    if len(arguments) > 4:
        dirregex =  arguments[4]
    #compile regex    
    fileregex = re.compile(fileregex)
    dirregex = re.compile(dirregex)
    #read in the headerfile just once
    headerfile = open(arguments[1])
    header = headerfile.readlines()

#call the main method

Ok here is a simple windows-only UI tool that searches for all files of your specified type in a folder, prepends the text you desire to the top (your license text), and copies the result to another directory (avoiding potential overwrite problems). It's also free. Required .Net 4.0.

I am actually the author, so feel free to request fixes or new features... no promises on delivery schedule though. ;)

more info: License Header tool at

Check out license-adder. It supports multiple code files (even custom ones) and handles existing headers correctly. Comes already with templates for the most common Open Source licenses.

Here's one I found on the Apache list. Its written in Ruby and seems easy enough to read. You should even be able to call it from rake for extra special niceness. :)

Here is one I rolled in PHP to modify PHP files. I also had old license information to delete so it replaces the old text first, then adds the new text immediately after the opening

class Licenses
    protected $paths = array();
    protected $oldTxt = '/**
 * Old license to delete
    protected $newTxt = '/**
 * @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)

    function licensesForDir($path)
        foreach(glob($path.'/*') as $eachPath)
                $this->paths[] = $eachPath;

    function exec()

        foreach($this->paths as $path)

    function handleFile($path)
        $source = file_get_contents($path);
        $source = str_replace($this->oldTxt, '', $source);
        $source = preg_replace('#\<\?php#',"<?php\n".$this->newTxt,$source,1);
        echo $path."\n";

$licenses = new Licenses;

If you still need one, there is a little tool I have written, named SrcHead. You can find it at

if you are using sbt, there is

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