
I have a data in that always comes in block of four in the following format (called FASTQ):

@SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
+SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
@SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36
+SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36

Is there a simple sed/awk/bash way to convert them into this format (called FASTA):

>SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
>SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36

In principle, we want to extract the first two lines in each block-of-4 and replace @ with >.

Was it helpful?


This is an old question, and there have been many different solutions offered. Since the accepted answer uses sed but has a glaring problem (which is that it will replace @ with > when the @ sign appears as the first letter of the quality line), I feel compelled to offer a simple sed-based solution that actually works:

sed -n '1~4s/^@/>/p;2~4p' 

The only assumption made is that each read occupies exactly 4 lines in the FASTQ file, but that seems pretty safe, in my experience.

The fastq_to_fasta script in the fastx toolkit also works. (It's worth mentioning that you need to specify the -Q33 option to accommodate the now common Phred+33 qual encodings. Which is funny, since it's throwing away the quality data anyway!)


sed ain't dead. If we're golfing:

sed '/^@/!d;s//>/;N'

Or, emulating posted by Pierre, which only prints the first word (the id) from the first line and does (some) error handling:

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
# Read a total of four lines
$b error
N;$b error
N;$b error
# Parse the lines
/^@\(\([^ ]*\).*\)\(\n[ACGTN]*\)\n+\1\n.*$/{
  # Output id and sequence for FASTA format.
Error parsing input:

There seem to be plenty of existing tools for converting these formats; you should probably use these instead of anything posted here (including the above).

As detailed in Cock, et al (2009) NAR, many of these solutions are incorrect since "the ‘@’ marker character (ASCII 64) may occur anywhere in the quality string. This means that any parser must not treat a line starting with ‘@’ as indicating the start of the next record, without additionally checking the length of the quality string thus far matches the length of the sequence."

See for details.

just awk , no need other tools

# awk '/^@SR/{gsub(/^@/,">",$1);print;getline;print}' file
>SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
>SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36

I'd write

awk '
    NR%4 == 1 {print ">" substr($0, 2)}
    NR%4 == 2 {print}
' fastq > fasta

This is the fastest I've got, and I stuck it in my .bashrc file:

alias fq2fa="awk '{print \">\" substr(\$0,2);getline;print;getline;getline}'"

It doesn't fail on the infrequent but not impossible quality lines that start with @... but does fail on wrapped FASTQ, if that's even legal (it exists though).

Here's the solution to the "skip every other line" part of the problem that I just learned from SO:

while read line
    # print two lines
    echo "$line"
    read line_to_print
    echo "$line_to_print"

    # and skip two lines
    read line_to_skip
    read line_to_skip

If all that needs to be done is change one @ to >, then I reckon

while read line
    echo "$line" | sed 's/@/>/'
    read line
    echo "$line"

    read line_to_skip
    read line_to_skip

will do the job.

Something like:

awk 'BEGIN{a=0}{if(a==1){print;a=0}}/^@/{print;a=1}' myFastqFile | sed 's/^@/>/'

should work.

I think, with gnu grep this could be done with this:

grep -A 1 "^@" t.txt | grep -v "^--" | sed -e "s/^@/\>/"
awk 'BEGIN{P=1}{if(P==1||P==2){gsub(/^[@]/,">");print}; if(P==4)P=0; P++}' data

>SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
>SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36


awk '{gsub(/^[@]/,">"); print}' data

where data is your data file. I've received:

>SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
+SRR018006.2016 GA2:6:1:20:650 length=36
>SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36
+SRR018006.19405469 GA2:6:100:1793:611 length=36

I know I'm way in the future, but for the benefit of googlers:

You may want to use fastq_to_fasta from the fastx toolkit. It will keep the @ sign, though. It will also remove lines with Ns unless you tell it not to.

You might be interested in bioawk, it is an adapted version of awk which is tuned to process fasta files

bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">"$name ORS $seq }' file.fastq

Note: BioAwk is based on Brian Kernighan's awk which is documented in "The AWK Programming Language", by Al Aho, Brian Kernighan, and Peter Weinberger (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-07981-X) . I'm not sure if this version is compatible with POSIX.

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