
When I run this script, the position of the mouse works up to the column 255 - then the count begins by 0. Does this mean that my terminal does not support SGR/mode 1006?
(edited due ak2's answer)

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.12.0;
use utf8;
my $tk = Term::TermKey->new( \*STDIN );
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)' if $tk->get_flags & FLAG_UTF8;

print "\e[?1003h";
print "\e[?1006h";

say "Quit with \"q\"";
while( 1 ) {
    $tk->waitkey( my $key );
    say $tk->format_key( $key, FORMAT_LONGMOD | FORMAT_MOUSE_POS );
    last if $tk->format_key( $key, 0 ) eq 'q';

print "\e[?1006l";
print "\e[?1003l";
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It means you're not using the very lastest libtermkey library yet, the one that supports positions greater than column 255. Possibly because I haven't actually released it yet ;)

I'll let you know once that's up, along with the extra CSI capture support for position reporting, etc..

Also: If you have more libtermkey-specific questions, you might want to let me know more directly. E.g. you could email me to let me know you've posted a question; I don't always make a habit of searching them out. :)

Edit 2012/04/26: I've now released libtermkey 0.15 and Term::TermKey 0.14, which supports these columns above 255, along with the position report API.


Switching on mode 1006 changes the mouse event encoding, but it doesn't actually enable mouse reporting. For that, you'll need to switch on mode 1000 (click and release only), 1002 (click, release and drag), or 1003 (click, release, and any mouse movement).

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