
I've googled as much as I can, but I've only found a PHP class that calls upon Inkscape to render the SVG, so I ask here:

I have a valid SVG file generated in some way (or uploaded by a client). I need to render this into a JPG or PNG using just PHP and/or GDLib, as SVG is not supported by all browsers.

I do not have the option of installing anything, so a class that converts SVG to PNG using GDLib would be the most ideal.

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Check if ImageMagick is installed (you can find out using phpinfo). If it is, you can use the following code to cover to a PNG.

$image = new Imagick();
$image->resizeImage(1024, 768, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1); 

There are many threads that discuss this. One that is particularly useful is this thread: Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP

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