
I'm trying to create OLAP DB via analysis services in SQL Server 2008 with ascmd.exe tool I get the following error:

Error ErrorCode="3239313410" Description="Errors in the metadata man ager. The database with the name of 'CosmoComOLAPDB' already exists in the 'LIOR2K8' server." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services" HelpFile="" />

However, when I connect to the Analysis Services in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, I can't find it...

Is it common issue or just on my system?

When I'm trying to Attach and then choose a folder it gives me the following error:

Database Administrator or server administrator permissions are required to execute SystemGetLogicalDrives command

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The reason i could not see the database is because I was not running in administrative mode Right Click on SQL Server Management -> Run As Administrator Then the Analysis Database will appear


it may exist but not be attached.

Right click on the database folder and click attach.

Select the folder from the list and inform the password, if existing

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