
I'm looking to implement a multiple file uploader in my ASP.NET 3.5 site.

Now, the Google Docs multi-file uploader is pretty awesome, and I'd like to create something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Google Docs is not open source, so I can't get my hands on the source code for it.

Any ideas on how this is implemented, or the best way of creating a nice interactive multi-file uploader like it?

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Solution 3

I guess 'Zhaph - Ben Duguid' had the best answer for this one. Post it as an answer and I'll accept it!

GoogleDocs uses a combination of Flash and JS, with the bulk of the work happening in the Flash object, rather than the JS, and they heavily minify their JS to make it smaller to download, and also harder to read...


I strongly suggest you give this jquery file upload plugin a try: "uploadify". It makes it super easy to integrate such a feature.

Nice and interactive : you can build a Silverlight client to send your files to webserver. It allows to select multiple files at once.

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