
I tried to archive a project in order to upload it to TestFlight. However, when I opened Organizer to export my archive as an ipa, it froze as soon as I clicked the "Archives" tab.

I tried to create another user, same problem.

I tried to remove the content of the archives folder, same as well.

Xcode is now completely unresponsive, and Activity Monitor show a "bash" process taking about 40% of processor.

Any idea?


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This is the answer to the problem!

From terminal execute this
xcode-select -switch /Applications/

Found on this other post

Why does xcode 4.3.2 hang when archiving?


First of all try out this: another stack overflow answer. For me it helped once. Also if you run System monitor application while Xcode is hanging, you'll see several bash processes taking all your CPU time. Try to kill them until organizer opens.

If this won't help you either, migrate to Android or Windows Phone. Both Visual Studio and Eclipse are much more friendly :)

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