
I need to take a percentage value, convert it to pixels and move a div upwards using JQuery animate for a progress bar I'm trying to build. The div containing the graphic that needs to move upwards has a 268 pixel height (so that is our 100%).

as an example, I put 38% as the starting percentage value that I need to convert to a pixel value and move div with the id prog_anim to that number of pixels upwards (should be around 101 pixels)

var result = 38 / 100 * 268;
function bgr_animate(result) {
    'marginTop' : result

and then I have the following link on a button that performs the action:

a href="javascript:;" onclick="bgr_animate(result)"

being a total Javascript noob I have no idea where the above syntax is wrong. Can anyone correct me here? Thanks!

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Try this:

function bgr_animate(percent, height) {
    var pixels = percent / 100 * height;
        'marginTop' : pixels

And your button;

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="bgr_animate(30, 268)">


I see a few areas for improvement.

Instead of hardcoding 268, use var graphicHeight = $("#prog_anim").outerHeight();.

You'll need to reverse the direction of the margin top since you want it to move up. marginTop is one way to do that, but setting a CSS position: absolute; and using top instead of marginTop would be better.


var result = -(38 / 100 * graphicHeight);

Try this out

      height: result
      }, 5000, function() {

Where resultInc is the number of pixels by which it grows

Using this you can move upwards and increase the height downwards giving the impression that it grew upwards

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