
I did a get latest from TFS. My local path is:


TFS Path is:


CopyInstallers.bat gets latest of installer folder from the branch at different location on the server and zips them and puts it on the shared location on server.

I have another branch named Branch2 and its TFS path is


What I am trying is try to get the branch name using TF.exe or TFPT.exe, so that I should not har code the branch name in the CopyInstaller.bat file to get latest of installer folder.

Or is there any other way by which I can get to know the branch name / path with in the batch file?

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Use the TF.EXE info command.

  1. From the DOS Shell go to the directory in your workspace where the branch is located (C:\tfs\Project\Branch1\Config\Deployment)
  2. Use the command : TF.EXE info .
  3. Parse the result on the "Server Path:" line.

EDIT : With Visual Studio 2010 replace the info command by the properties one


Ok: I made you a console app, get the zip file here, there's the sources code and build exe.

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