
I am trying to deflate files based on the FilesMatch condition, I tried this but it doesn't deflate :

<FilesMatch \.js$>
SetOutputFilter Deflate
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /js/(.*.js) /pack.php?f=$1

The rewrite rule works fine though.

Also, setting the SetOutputFilter Deflate outside the FilesMatch works as expected.

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When apache rewrites a rule, it re-processes certain configurations (e.g <Directory>, <DirectoryMatch>, <Files>, <FilesMatch>) to match against the "re-written" URL. This appears to be your problem.

Split your rules into two <FilesMatch> sections, one for .js$ files and another for /pack.php. Or better, move the re-write rule outside the <FilesMatch> section and use a single <Files pack.php> section.

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