
I have a WPF form with 16 buttons on it. When my view model initializes, I need to set all 16 as RelayCommand objects. This is all my Initialize() method does, yet that causes the code analysis error CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity.

Is this a good case for suppressing a CA warning, or is there a more elegant way to set these commands without causing the CA violation?

[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification = "Simply setting the commands")]
private void Initialize()
    this.AddApplicationCommand      = new RelayCommand(_ => AddApplication());
    this.DeleteApplicationCommand   = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteApplication(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
    this.RefreshApplicationsCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => RefreshApplications());
    this.SaveApplicationCommand     = new RelayCommand(_ => SaveApplication(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);

    this.ForceInstallationCommand       = new RelayCommand(_ => ForceInstallation(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
    this.DeleteForceInstallationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteForceInstallation(), _ => ApplicationIsSelectedAndForceExists());

    this.AddTaskCommand            = new RelayCommand(_ => AddTask(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
    this.EditTaskCommand           = new RelayCommand(_ => EditTask(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
    this.DeleteTaskCommand         = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteTask(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
    this.ImportTasksCommand        = new RelayCommand(_ => ImportTasks(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
    this.ExportTasksCommand        = new RelayCommand(_ => ExportTasks(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
    this.ImportLegacyTasksCommand  = new RelayCommand(_ => ImportLegacyTasks(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);            
    this.MoveTaskUpCommand         = new RelayCommand(_ => MoveRowUp(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
    this.MoveTaskDownCommand       = new RelayCommand(_ => MoveRowDown(), _ => TaskIsSelected());

    this.AddVariableGroupCommand    = new RelayCommand(_ => AddVariableGroup());
    this.RemoveVariableGroupCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => RemoveVariableGroup(), _ => VariableGroupIsSelected());
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This is a false positive due to the use of anonymous methods. The rule does not recognize the compiler-generated branching as generated code. See and for existing bug reports.


Looks readable as it is, so suppressing would be ok to me (assuming you can't change RelayCommand).

If you can control RelayCommand class - add constructor RealayCommand(Action, Func<bool>) to eliminate extra wrapper lambda/delegates creation.

If you expect any more buttons consider switching to table with { button, action, enabled } entries.

EDIT: To simplify code by removing delegates creation on each line you can change code from

new RelayCommand(_ => MoveRowDown(), _ => TaskIsSelected());


new RelayCommand(MoveRowDown, TaskIsSelected);

By adding new constructor that sets the fileds itself:

public RelayCommand(Action action, Func<bool> enabled)
  this._execute = _ => action();
  this._enabled = _ => enabled();

or new constructor that calls existing constructor:

public RelayCommand(Action action, Func<bool> enabled)
 : this(_ => MoveRowDown(), _ => TaskIsSelected()) {}
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