
I have my NHibernate configuration successfully set up in my web.config file. However, I am also using ASP.NET Membership which requires a connectionstring to be defined in the connectionStrings element. Is there a way I can make my NHibernate configuration use this value so I don't need to define the connection string twice?

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You can use connection.connection_string_name element in the NHibernate configuration. Have a look here. Then NHibernate will get connection string by name from web.config file

You need to use the connection.connection_string_name attribute in the configuration:

    <add name="default" connectionString="server=(local);etc." />

<hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
        <property name="connection.connection_string_name">default</property>

With fluent configuration you can do the following


With NHibernate configuration API you can do the following:

var cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.DataBaseIntegration(db =>
    db.ConnectionStringName = "default";             


Just to add to sly's answer, you can do this using FluentNHibernate like this (in your fluent config):

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