
This chapter is on adding remember tokens to ensure that the user signin status is remembered and that the session is only cleared when the user explicitly signs out. I understand the importance of having this feature in my app, so want to make sure that it works correctly. I'm getting a bunch of errors though, when I run

$ bundle exec rspec spec/

and I suspect they have to do with my user model, as they all but one contain:

       undefined method `remember_token=' for #<User:...>

and the last contains

Failure/Error: it { should respond_to(:remember_token) }

and then point to my user_spec.rb, user.rb, and and authentication_pages_spec.rb files, which I have included most of (the pertinent parts) here.


# == Schema Information
# Table name: users
#  id         :integer         not null, primary key
#  name       :string(255)
#  email      :string(255)
#  created_at :datetime        not null
#  updated_at :datetime        not null

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation

  before_save { |user| = email.downcase }
  before_save :create_remember_token

  validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }
  VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i
  validates :email, presence:   true,
                    format:     { with: VALID_EMAIL_REGEX },
                    uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }
  validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 }
  validates :password_confirmation, presence: true


      def create_remember_token
        self.remember_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64


require 'spec_helper'

describe "Authentication" do

  subject {page}
  describe "signin page" do
    before { visit signin_path }
    it {should have_selector('h1', text: 'Sign in')}
    it {should have_selector('title', text: 'Sign in')}

  describe "signin" do
    before {visit signin_path}

    describe "with invalid information" do
      before {click_button "Sign in"}

      it {should have_selector('title', text: 'Sign in')}
      it {should have_selector('div.alert.alert-error', text: 'Invalid')}

      describe "after visiting another page" do
              before { click_link "Home" }
              it { should_not have_selector('div.alert.alert-error') }

    describe "with valid information" do
          let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
          before do
            fill_in "Email",    with:
            fill_in "Password", with: user.password
            click_button "Sign in"

          it { should have_selector('title', text: }
          it { should have_link('Profile', href: user_path(user)) }
          it { should have_link('Sign out', href: signout_path) }
          it { should_not have_link('Sign in', href: signin_path) }

and the beginning of user_spec.rb:

# == Schema Information
# Table name: users
#  id         :integer         not null, primary key
#  name       :string(255)
#  email      :string(255)
#  created_at :datetime        not null
#  updated_at :datetime        not null

require 'spec_helper'

describe User do

  before do
      @user = "Example User", email: "", 
                       password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar")

  subject { @user }

  it { should respond_to(:name) }
  it { should respond_to(:email) }
  it { should be_valid }
  it { should respond_to(:password_digest) }
  it { should respond_to(:password) }
  it { should respond_to(:password_confirmation) }
  it { should respond_to(:authenticate) }
  it { should respond_to(:remember_token) }

  describe "remember token" do
      before { }
      its(:remember_token) { should_not be_blank }

Any help would be much appreciated!

Was it helpful?


If you get this error in production on Heroku, after you run:

heroku run rake db:migrate

you need to restart your app:

heroku restart


Did you generate the migration for adding the column to the User model ?

$ rails generate migration add_remember_token_to_users

After this edit the migration file to add the new field remember_token


After that you need to do

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

Your annotations on the model don't show the column. Make sure you executed the above commands.

I got similar test fail error. what I did is to generate the remember_token column with a string type.

rails generate migration add_remember_token_to_users remember_token:string --force

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

after that, test pass.

I met the same issue while learning Mhartl tutorial.I solved it. this problem shows up coz when you database already have some user data, then "remember_token" migrate won't work. you must clean your date firt,then do this:

rake db:drop db:create rake db:migrate (be carefull:this will erase all your data)

hope help

I just had the same problem, getting undefined method find_by_remember_token.

Here's what I did to fix it:

heroku run rake db:migrate

Then push to heroku again

git push heroku
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