
Say I have two arrays, items and removeItems and I wanted any values found in removeItems to be removed from items.

The brute force mechanism would probably be:

var animals = ["cow","dog","frog","cat","whale","salmon","zebra","tuna"];
var nonMammals = ["salmon","frog","tuna","spider"];
var mammals = [];
var isMammal;

for(var i=0;i<animals.length;i++){
   isMammal = true;
   for(var j=0;j<nonMammals;j++){
     if(nonMammals[j] === animals[i]){
       isMammal = false;

This is what? O(N^2)? Is there a more efficient way?

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That's actually O(M * N).

Probably you could do better sorting the animals array first, then doing a binary search. You'll be able to reduce to O(N * log N) - well, that's if log N < M anyway.

Anyway, if you're working with JS and that runs client-side, then just try to keep amount of data at minimum, or their browsers will yell at you with every request.


Basically what you want to do is efficiently compute the set difference S \ T. The (asymptotically) fastest way I know is to put T into a hashmap (that makes |T| steps) and go over each s in S (that makes |S| steps) checking wether s in T (which is O(1)). So you get to O(|T| + |S|) steps.

With jQuery it's pretty easy:

function is_mammal(animal)
    return $.inArray(animal, nonMammals) == -1;

mammals = $.grep(animals, is_mammal);

See docs for $.grep and $.inArray.

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