
I'm trying to setup a large number of build agents and so far i can install all the dependencies silently (using powershell, nuget and chocolatey). However i cannot install the tool IlMerge without the damn GUI popping up. Ive tried all the usual msiexec switches and they are just ignored. does anyone know of a way of getting this tool on a box in an unattended way? Or should i just repack the thing in zip/msi?

This is on windows server 2008 R2 If i run

Invoke-Expression "msiexec $installerPath\ilmerge.msi /passive"

I still get a security dialog.

Currently i'm just thinking ill do this:

Copy-Item x:\installs\ilmerge.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\ILMerge"

seeing as its only one file.

Was it helpful?


Below worked for me, no security dialogs.

cp ILMerge.msi \\Server\admin$
winrs -r:Server ILMerge.msi /passive
dir "\\Server\C$\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\ILMerge"


With chocolatey you would have just needed to specify -ia '/quiet' as the package was not silent by default. This was specified by the tag notSilent and it was also in the description (

The latest package is just the executable, so you can just install it.

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