
#define abs(a) ((a)>0 ? a: -a)
#define eps_sqrt 0.00000000000001
#define it 100

float sqrt(float x)
/*The Square Root Function using the Newton's Method*/
    int it_sqrt=0;
    float a_sqrt = x/2;
    while ((abs((a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x))>=eps_sqrt) && (2.0*a_sqrt != 0) && (it_sqrt<=it))
        a_sqrt = a_sqrt - ((a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x)/(2.0*a_sqrt));
    return a_sqrt;

int main()
    printf("%.5f\n", sqrt(5));
    system ("pause");

i tried using the Newton's iteration method to find the square root on Python and it worked, perfectly well. I'm new on C and I don't understand why this function didn't work for me. Whenever I run it, it returns "-1.#INF0A" Any help will be appreciated.

Edit: I tried changin the eps to 0.000001 and it also didn't work.

Was it helpful?


double mysqrt(double x){
    double eps=pow(10,-10);
    double x0 = 0.0;
    double x1 = x/2.0;
    while(fabs(x1 - x0)>eps){
        x0 = x1;
        x1 = x0 + (x - x0*x0)/x0/ 2.0;
    return x1;

macro expansion
expansion (((a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x))>0 ? (a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x): -(a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x))
NG: -(a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x)

abs((a_sqrt*a_sqrt- x))
expansion (((a_sqrt*a_sqrt- x))>0 ? (a_sqrt*a_sqrt- x): -(a_sqrt*a_sqrt- x))

#define abs(a) ((a)>0 ? a: -a)
#define abs(a) ((a)>0 ? a: -(a))


Changing this line:

                a_sqrt = a_sqrt - ((a_sqrt*a_sqrt)-(x)/(2.0*a_sqrt));


                a_sqrt = a_sqrt - ((a_sqrt*a_sqrt - x)/(2.0*a_sqrt));

works for me.

Try to use a bigger epsilon, maybe python uses doubles instead of floats.

This is one of the rare cases where using double actually makes sense. Note that the precision of float is significantly lower than eps_sqrt:

[mic@mic-nb tmp]$ cat tmp2.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main() {
    double a = sqrtl(2.0);
    printf("%1.20f\n", a - (float) a);
[mic@mic-nb tmp]$ gcc tmp2.c; ./a.out
vs. your value of:

So your program will, in most cases, never terminate.

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