
I'm using the .Net micro framework so the StringBuilder is not available.

I have seen some code from apt professionals to use an Arraylist of chars to concat and build strings, as opposed to the + operator. They essentially build a managed code StringBuilder.

Is there a performance advantage to this? Assume the number of concatenations are higher than 10 and string lengths are also larger than 10.

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No, don't use an ArrayList of char values. That will box every char - performance will be horrible, as will memory usage. (Size of a reference + size of a boxed char for each character... yikes!)

Use a char[] internally and "resize" it (create a new array and copy the contents in) when you need to, perhaps doubling in size each time. (EDIT: You don't resize it to the exact size you need - you would start off with, say, 16 chars and keep doubling - so most Append operations don't need to "resize" the array.)

That's similar to how StringBuilder works anyway. (It's even closer to how Java's StringBuilder works.)

I suggest you actually build your own StringBuilder type with the most important members. Unit test the heck out of it, and profile where appropriate.

Let me know if you want a short example.


The only reason that using an ArrayList of chars to build a string would be considered performant is if you compare it to something that has really bad performance. Concatenating a huge string using += would be an example of something that would have such bad performance.

You can make the string concatenation a lot more efficient if you just concatenate into several shorter strings instead of one large string.

This code, for example:

string[] parts = new string[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) {
  string part = String.Empty;
  for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) {
    part += "*";
  parts[i] = part;
string result = String.Concat(parts);

Is about 450 times faster than this code:

string result = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
  result += "*";

A StringBuilder is still faster, but it's only about four times faster than the first example. So by using shorter strings you can cut the time by 99.78%, and using a StringBuilder would only cut another 0.16%.

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