
So far I've been using ISNULL(dbo.fn_GetPrice(ItemId), 0) to make it not nullable (rather call it default-valued, but whatever).

Is this the right way?

Was it helpful?


Yes, that is the right way to do it. By using the isnull function you are creating an expression that must return a value, no matter what. This is evaluated by SQL Server to be a computed column that is not null.


I'd prefer the ANSI standard COALESCE function, but ISNULL is fine. To use COALESCE, define your computed column as:

COALESCE(dbo.fn_GetPrice(ItemId), 0)

EDIT Learn something new everyday. I did the following:

create table t (c1 int null
    , c2 as isnull(c1, 1) 
    , c3 as isnull(c1, null)
    , c4 as coalesce(c1, 1)
    , c5 as coalesce(c1, null)

exec sp_help t

And c2 is indeed not nullable according to sp_help, but c4 is reported as being nullable, even though there is no way that coalesce expression could result in a null value.

Also as of 2008, I don't know whether the option exists in 2005, one can persist a computed column and add a constraint:

create table t (c1 int null
    , c2 as isnull(c1, 1) persisted not null
    , c3 as isnull(c1, null) persisted not null
    , c4 as coalesce(c1, 1) persisted not null
    , c5 as coalesce(c1, null) persisted not null
insert into t (c1) values (null)

results in a constraint violation.

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