
Context =>
Calling wcf, some random stored procedures and sql stuff theoretically imports some data.

Requirements =>
Reindex lucene indexes for some of imported entities.

Question =>
What's the easiest way to do that?

Theoretically, if nhibernate is initialized, should be aware which entities are supposed to be indexed. Therefore - i was wondering, are there any ready to use tools/whatnot to fulfill my requirement?

Is this the only way?

Was it helpful?


My quick and dirty approach =>

 public static class LuceneReindexer
        public static void Run()
            var entityTypes = typeof(FooEntity).Assembly.GetTypes()
                .Where(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Entity)
                    || x.BaseType == typeof(KeyedEntity));

            foreach (var t in entityTypes)
                if (TypeDescriptor
                   .GetAttributes(t)[typeof(IndexedAttribute)] != null)

        private static void ReindexEntity(Type t)
            var stop = false;
            var index = 0;
            const int pageSize = 500;

                var list = NHibernateSession.Current.CreateCriteria(t)

                foreach (var itm in list)

                index += pageSize;
                if (list.Count < pageSize) stop = true;
            } while (!stop);

No ideas about transaction and paging part (and don't care at the moment). Kind a does what i needed. :D

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