
My app is a workout scheduler.

The client typically does workouts at one of three timeslots in a given day, so I'm providing a quick-add function to schedule a morning, noon or evening workout.

I have the code working, but I don't think I'm doing it the right way.

My route is as follows:

match 'workouts/quick_add/:date/:timeslot' => "workouts#quick_add",
  :as => 'workout_quick_add'

Which I use via something like this:

<%= link_to 'Morning Workout', workout_quick_add_path(:date => day, :timeslot => 'morning') %>

Now, this works, if the request comes in over GET, but that doesn't seem right based on the HTTP Protocol method definitions. It seems like POST or PUT would be right, but if I add :via => :post or :put to the route, the whole thing buggers out with a routing error.

What's correct here, and what's the right way to implement this kind of a function?

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How about:

resources :workouts do
  collection do
    post :quick_add

And pass date and timeslot in params.

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