
I very often open a console window while doing my development. Usually Win+R -> cmd -> enter. However, Windows also lets you add a shortcut key to any shortcut ... but when I try to add Win + C to make the shortcut for my favorite-sized/shaped/buffered console appear, it uses Ctrl+Alt+C instead (already used in various editors and other go.)

Is there any way to use the windows key as part of a shortcut key combo?

(This would be with Windows XP)

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You can use autohotkey for this sort of thing.

And while you are at it. Use console for a much improved command console experience.


If you read the Tooltip (Click the ? and then the label), it says it automatically uses Ctrl+Alt with the intent of picking the final character and no other modifiers -- I assume to avoid overlap with existing shortcut keys. So, no, I don't think you can assign the Windows key in that manner. There may be some third-party tools (e.g. AutoHotKey) that lets you do so, though.

Also see Kana's SendKey executable. Site

You'll see LWIN or RWIN even allows you to choose the left or right WinKey. It's pretty versatile when scripting... and as a bonus it doesn't require installation.

Here's the readme contents:


Kana SendKey is a command line program which can be used
to send a system wide hotkey.


1. Run it with several parameters attached into the
   command line. For information about the parameters,
   see the Parameter section below.

2. You can also create a shortcut and assign the parameters
   on shortcut.


KanaKey [parameter1] [parameter2] ...

To send system wide CTRL+ALT+O, use:

Note: If no parameter is given, no action is performed.


  CTRLBREAK   = Control+Break
  BACKSPACE   = Backspace key
  TAB         = Tab key
  CLEAR       = Clear key
  RETURN      = Enter key
  SHIFT       = Shift key
  CTRL        = Ctrl Key
  ALT         = Alt key
  PAUSE       = Pause key
  CAPS        = Caps Lock key
  ESC         = Esc key
  SPACE       = Space key
  PAGEUP      = Page Up key
  PAGEDOWN    = Page Dn key
  END         = End key
  HOME        = Home key
  LEFT        = Left Arrow key
  UPARROW     = Up Arrow key
  RIGHTARROW  = Right Arrow key
  DOWNARROW   = Down Arrow key
  PRINTSCR    = Prnt Scrn key
  INSERT      = Insert Key
  DEL         = Delete Key
  LWIN        = Left Win key
  RWIN        = Right Win key
  NUM0        = Numeric 0 key
  NUM1        = Numeric 1 key
  NUM2        = Numeric 2 key
  NUM3        = Numeric 3 key
  NUM4        = Numeric 4 key
  NUM5        = Numeric 5 key
  NUM6        = Numeric 6 key
  NUM7        = Numeric 7 key
  NUM8        = Numeric 8 key
  NUM9        = Numeric 9 key
  MULTIPLY    = * key on numeric key pad
  ADD         = + key on numeric key pad
  SUBTRACT    = - key on numeric key pad
  DECIMAL     = . key on numeric key pad
  DIVIDE      = / key on numeric key pad
  F1          = F1 key
  F2          = F2 key
  F3          = F3 key
  F4          = F4 key
  F5          = F5 key
  F6          = F6 key
  F7          = F7 key
  F8          = F8 key
  F9          = F9 key
  F10         = F10 key
  F11         = F11 key
  F12         = F12 key
  F13         = F13 key
  F14         = F14 key
  F15         = F15 key
  F16         = F16 key
  F17         = F17 key
  F18         = F18 key
  F19         = F19 key
  F20         = F20 key
  F21         = F21 key
  F22         = F22 key
  F23         = F23 key
  F24         = F24 key
  NUMLOCK     = Num Lock key
  SCROLLLOCK  = Scroll Lock key
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