
I'm building a form with php/mysql. I've got a table with a list of locations and sublocations. Each sublocation has a parent location. A column "parentid" references another locationid in the same table. I now want to load these values into a dropdown in the following manner:

--Location 1
----Sublocation 1
----Sublocation 2
----Sublocation 3
--Location 2
----Sublocation 4
----Sublocation 5

etc. etc.

Anyone got an elegant solution for doing this?

Was it helpful?


NOTE: This is only psuedo-code.. I didn't try running it, though you should be able to adjust the concepts to what you need.

$parentsql = "SELECT parentid, parentname FROM table";

 $result = mysql_query($parentsql);
 print "<select>";
 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    $childsql = "SELECT childID, childName from table where parentid=".$row["parentID"];
    $result2 = mysql_query($childsql);
    print "<optgroup label=\".$row["parentname"]."\">";
    while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
        print "<option value=\"".$row["childID"]."\">".$row["childName"]."</option>\n";
    print "</optgroup>";
 print "</select>";

With BaileyP's valid criticism in mind, here's how to do it WITHOUT the overhead of calling multiple queries in every loop:

$sql = "SELECT childId, childName, parentId, parentName FROM child LEFT JOIN parent ON child.parentId = parent.parentId ORDER BY parentID, childName";  
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$currentParent = "";

print "<select>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    if($currentParent != $row["parentID"]){
        if($currentParent != ""){
            print "</optgroup>";
        print "<optgroup label=\".$row["parentName"]."\">";
        $currentParent = $row["parentName"];

    print "<option value=\"".$row["childID"]."\">".$row["childName"]."</option>\n";
print "</optgroup>"
print "</select>";


Are you looking for something like the OPTGROUP tag?

optgroup is definitely the way to go. It's actually what it's for,

For example usage, view source of - the selector under "Grandhall Grill Used".

You can use and space/dash indentation in the actual HTML. You'll need a recusrive loop to build it though. Something like:


$data = array(
    'Location 1'    =>    array(
        'Sublocation3'    =>    array(

$output = '<select name="location">' . PHP_EOL;

function build_items($input, $output)
        $output .= '<optgroup>' . $key . '</optgroup>' . PHP_EOL;
        foreach($input as $key => $value)
            $output = build_items($value, $output);
        $output .= '<option>' . $value . '</option>' . PHP_EOL;

    return $output;

$output = build_items($data, $output);

$output .= '</select>' . PHP_EOL;


Or something similar ;)

Ideally, you'd select all this data in the proper order right out of the database, then just loop over that for output. Here's my take on what you're asking for

Assuming data that looks like this

| id | parent_id | descr |
|  1 |      null | Foo   |
|  2 |      null | Bar   |
|  3 |         1 | Doe   |
|  4 |         2 | Rae   |
|  5 |         1 | Mi    |
|  6 |         2 | Fa    |

$result = mysql_query( "SELECT id, parent_id, descr FROM locations order by coalesce(id, parent_id), descr" );

echo "<select>";
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $result ) )
    $optionName = htmlspecialchars( ( is_null( $row->parent_id ) ) ? "--{$row->descr}" : "----{$row->desc}r", ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' );
    echo "<option value=\"{$row->id}\">$optionName</option>";
echo "</select>";

If you don't like the use of the coalesce() function, you can add a "display_order" column to this table that you can manually set, and then use for the ORDER BY.

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