
I have lots of home directories under /ifshome on Linux. I want to see which users have not logged in for the past 6 months, and my solution is to parse the /ifshome/user/.lastlogin file. Each .lastlogin file has the same format, 1 line:

Last Login: Fri Mar 09 18:06:27 PST 2001

I need to build a shell script that can parse the .lastlogin file in each user's home directory and output those directories whose owners haven't logged in for the last 6 months.

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Ok, here is my silly way (untested!) using a pure shell script parsing your file.

The date command can parse a date string, and output the seconds since 1970. Subtract them from the current seconds, and divide by the amount of seconds one month takes. Print that value together with the users path.

for i in /ifshome/*/.lastlogin; do
    dates=$(cat $i | grep "Last Login:" | cut -d: -f 2-)
    if [ ! -z "$dates" ]; then
      months=$(( ($(date +%s) - $(date -d "$dates" +%s)) / (60*60*24*31) ))
      echo $months $i

Sort the output using sort -n and pipe that into less then you can browse the list of users and their activity.

For a non-hackish way, consider Juan's lastlog idea. It's on my linux too.


You may find the last command is helpful to you. It will list the last N users who logged in, or the users logged in at a particular time, etc. man page

Okay, in a pure shell script, you probably want to use sort(1) with blank as your field sep. something like

$ find /ifshome/user/ -name .lastlogin -print |
  xargs sort --key=8,8 --key=4,4 --key=5,5 

(warning, untested.)

You might find it easier to use python or perl, as they have better date-handling optins.

Am I correct to assume that the latest time should more or less equal the change time of the file? If so, you can easily use the find command to find the files newer than six months ago.

Removing those files from the 'original' list would yield the older ones.

It seems to me that the contents of the file would likely echo the modification timestamp of the file, so you could use a much simpler command:

 find /ifshome -name .lastlogin -mtime +182 -print

Print all the files called .lastlogin with a modification time over 182 days old (choose your own approximation to 6 months).

Where does the .lastlogin file come from? Is that a linux standard, because I don't have one?

I just found the "lastlog" command on my system which can give you everyone who last logged in a specified number of days ago:

       -b, --before DAYS
           Print only lastlog records older than DAYS.

It can be accomplished relatively easily in PERL with the following code:


use strict;
use Time::Local ();

my $dir = "/ifshome";

my $month = {
  'Jan' => 0, 'Feb' => 1, 'Mar' => 2, 'Apr' => 3, 'May' => 4, 'Jun' => 5,
  'Jul' => 6, 'Aug' => 7, 'Sep' => 8, 'Oct' => 9, 'Nov' => 10, 'Dec' => 11,

my $expire = time() - (86400 * 30 * 6);

foreach my $home (<$dir/*>) {
  chomp(my $line = <F>);

  if ($line =~ /^Last Login:\s+\w{3}\s+(\w{3})\s+(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+\w+\s+(\d{4})/) {
    my $ts = Time::Local::timelocal($5,$4,$3,$2,$month->{$1},$6-1900);
    if ($ts < $expire) {
      my($user) = (split(/\//,$home))[-1];
      print "$user account is expired\n";

Here's some minor changes to litb's code. It can take # of months as a parameter, and it outputs strictly username followed by months since changed:

echo "Purpose: Parse /ifshome and find dates in .lastlogin files that are older than MONTHS months."
echo "Usage: ./ [MONTHS=6]"
echo ""

case $# in

if [ "${monthmin//[^0-9]/}" != $monthmin ]; then echo "$monthmin is NaN";
 for i in ./*/.lastlogin; do
    dates=$(cat $i | grep "Last Login:" | cut -d: -f 2-)
    if [ ! -z "$dates" ]; then
      months=$(( ($(date +%s) - $(date -d "$dates" +%s)) / (60*60*24*30) ))
      user=$(echo $i | cut -d/ -f 2- | cut -d/ -f -1)
      if test $months -ge $monthmin; then echo "$user: $months months ago"; fi
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