
The ViewModel looks like this:

public W { get; set; }
public WC WC { get; set; }
public List<TC> TCs { get; set; }

WC has a correlated group of TC. Their relation is mapped by TC containing the foreign key WCId.

In the view, I have a form. In the form, there are input fields for WC. Then, there is a group of TC depending on a count with a max of 4. Each TC has a related T in that TC has a foreign key TCId. I am trying to make sure that when the form is posted TC has the correlating TId. The TId is held in a list of T in W (i.e. @Model.W.T.ElementAt(someindex).TId).

How can I levarage a lambda expression to use the helpers to generate this relation in the view so it can be consumed in a httppost action by the correlating controller?

Here is what I am doing right now:

<input type="hidden" value="@(Model.W.T.ElementAt(i).TId)"
 id="TCs_@(i)__TId" data-val="true"/>

What I would like to do is use the @Html.HiddenFor helper but cannot seem to get it to work so I just used the slightly dynamic yet still hardcoded approach above. Note: this works, however, I would like it to be cleaner.

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What you're doing right now is -as far as I know - the only way to do it. I don't know of a way for a simpler @Htm.HiddenFor(...) version. I've been dealing with similar issues too. Nevertheless, if you think that you could reuse the pattern above you can still create your own Display/Editor template or other more abstract ways. Of course they'll be more verbose and complex than your "ugly" but straight forward approach.


I made this into a helper, and have decided to share it in case anyone else comes across this issue.


    public static MvcHtmlString CustomHiddenFor(
        this HtmlHelper html, object ListValue,
        string ListName, int ListIndex, string ListItem)
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(
            string.Format("<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{0}\" name=\"{1}[{2}].{3}\" id=\"{1}_{2}__{3}\" data-val=\"true\"/>", 

Use (note that this is done from a loop where i is the iterator, any value will due in the first spot):

@Html.CustomHiddenFor(Model.W.T.ElementAt(i).TId, "TCs", i, "TId")
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