
How to compile PJSIP library in TCP mode for iPhone?

I have the steps but don't know which all files I need to modify.

To enable multitasking support of iOS, set PJ_IPHONE_OS_HAS_MULTITASKING_SUPPORT to 1. Then application can use the API pj_activesock_set_iphone_os_bg() to set iOS background mode setting. Setting the value to 1 will enable TCP active socket to receive incoming data when application is in the background. The default value of this setting is PJ_ACTIVESOCK_TCP_IPHONE_OS_BG. By default, both these settings are enabled on iOS 4 when you run configure-iphone

Can anyone please tell in which all files changes are required to be made in order to compile PJSIP lib in TCP mode.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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pjsip 1.x or pjsip 2.x? You want to use pjsua to build a app or you want to go lower?

If you want to use TCP your SIP server/proxy should support that too (there are some SIP Servers that are not properly supporting TCP).

To get the TCP support you don't have to do anything special (1.x) at compilation time, but you have to build your registration uri like this:


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