
I have an assortment of issues, but I'm going to concentrate on one here. How to I access the object created from a cffile upload. I am currently doing as so.

<cffile action="upload" destination="#Application.filePath#Pics/" filefield="image1" nameconflict="makeunique">
<cfif isDefined ("cffile.serverFile")>
<cfset image1Place = #cffile.serverFile#> 

but that doesn't seem like it would work well with multiple file uploads, which happens to be my case.

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If you're worried about the result object being blown away as a consequence of multiple invocations of cffile, then you can use the "result" attribute to distinguish them:

<cfset uploadResults = {}>
<cfloop list="#form.filelist#" index="myFile">
  <cffile action="upload" destination="#Application.filePath#Pics/"
    filefield="#myFile#" nameconflict="makeunique" 

  <cfif StructKeyExists(uploadResults, myFile)>
    <cfset image1Place = uploadResults[myFile].serverFile> 
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