
I need to find files which have been in the folder Wastebasket exactly one minute. The files have been moved all over my computer to the folder.

I run the following unsuccessfully

find -atime n1m .

I get all my files in the directory by the command, even ones which I just created. It seems that the option -atime is not correct.

How can you find files which access time is one minute?

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I think you're looking for

find -amin 1

n is just a variable that you replace with a number.

+n eg +1 means greater
n eg 1 means exactly
-n eg -1 means less than


Drop the n. The n in the manpage stands for a number.

find -atime 1m .

Since you've mentioned you're using zsh, I might as well suggest a zsh-specific answer. To find all files with access time of minute or less ago, you can use the command:

$> ls *(.am-1)
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