
I am trying to use Boost Test to add some much needed unit tests to my code. However I can't seem to get it to work. Right now I have the following code

#include <Drawing.h>
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DrawingModelTests
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( DrawingConstructorTest)
    Drawing * drawing = new Drawing;

    delete drawing;


From what I understand I don't need to put a main or anything since boost will take care of it himself. However Visual Studio keep giving me a "entry point must be defined" error. Do I need to manually add a link to the static library or something? I am compiling as a standard .exe console application.

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I had this problem with VS2010 and the solution was to set 'Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> Entry Point' to 'main' for the project.


Add /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE to the linker flags. In the project settings, this is on the Linker->System page. You can use boost as either dynamic or static library.

My code is similar, and works fine. The only difference I can see is that I don't define BOOST_AUTO_TEST_MAIN at all. BOOST_TEST_MODULE tells it where to define main, as far as I'm aware.

I set 'Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> Entry Point' to 'mainCRTStartup', which does the trick for me. (In my particular build configuration I'm statically linking boost libraries).

In the end, the way to make it work was to use boost.test as a dynamic library instead of a static library.

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