
I am returning a List<> from a webservice as a List of JSON objects. I am trying to use a for loop to iterate through the list and grab the values out of the properties. This is a sample of the returning JSON:

 "EmployeeName":"Janet Leverling",
 "EmployeeTitle":"Sales Representative",

So I am trying to extract the contents using something like this:

function PrintResults(result) {

for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { 

How should this be done?

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had same problem today, Your topic helped me so here goes solution ;)



Be careful, d is the list.

for (var i = 0; i < result.d.length; i++) { 

It's close! Try this:

for (var prop in result) {
    if (result.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {


If your result is truly is an array of one object, then you might have to do this:

for (var prop in result[0]) {
    if (result[0].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

Or if you want to loop through each result in the array if there are more, try:

for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
    for (var prop in result[i]) {
        if (result[i].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

Here it is:

    function(data) {
        $.each(data, function(i, item){
            alert("Mine is " + i + "|" + item.title + "|" + item.key);

Sample JSON text:

{"title": "camp crowhouse", 
"key": "agtnZW90YWdkZXYyMXIKCxIEUG9zdBgUDA"}

Since you are using jQuery, you might as well use the each method... Also, it seems like everything is a value of the property 'd' in this JS Object [Notation].

$.each(result.d,function(i) {
    // In case there are several values in the array 'd'
    $.each(this,function(j) {
        // Apparently doesn't work...
        // What about this?
        // Or this?

That should work. if not, then maybe you can give us a longer example of the JSON.

Edit: If none of this stuff works then I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with the syntax of your JSON.

var d = $.parseJSON(result.d);
for(var i =0;i<d.length;i++){

This will work!

$(document).ready(function ()
            type: 'POST',
            url: "/Home/MethodName",
            success: function (data) {
                //data is the string that the method returns in a json format, but in string
                var jsonData = JSON.parse(data); //This converts the string to json

                for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) //The json object has lenght
                    var object = jsonData[i]; //You are in the current object
                    $('#olListId').append('<li class="someclass>' + object.Atributte  + '</li>'); //now you access the property.


                /* JSON EXAMPLE
                [{ "Atributte": "value" }, 
                { "Atributte": "value" }, 
                { "Atributte": "value" }]

The main thing about this is using the property exactly the same as the attribute of the JSON key-value pair.

I have the following call:

$('#select_box_id').change(function() {
        var action = $('#my_form').attr('action');
        $.each(response.result,function(i) {

            alert("key is: " + i + ", val is: " + response.result[i]);

    }, 'json');

The structure coming back from the server look like:

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