
I am trying to combine regex and embedded object queries and failing miserably. I am either hitting a limitation of mongodb or just getting something slightly wrong maybe someone out ther has encountered this. The documentation certainly does'nt cover this case.

data being queried:

    "_id" : ObjectId("4f94fe633004c1ef4d892314"),
    "productname" : "lightbulb",
    "availability" : [
                    "country" : "USA",
                    "storeCode" : "abc-1234"
                    "country" : "USA",
                    "storeCode" : "xzy-6784"
                    "country" : "USA",
                    "storeCode" : "abc-3454"
                    "country" : "CANADA",
                    "storeCode" : "abc-6845"

assume the collection contains only one record

This query returns 1:

db.testCol.find({"availability":{"country" : "USA","storeCode":"xzy-6784"}}).count();

This query returns 1:


But, this query returns 0:

db.testCol.find({"availability":{"country" : "USA","storeCode":/.*/}}).count();

Does anyone understand why? Is this a bug?


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You are referencing the embedded storecode incorrectly - you are referencing it as an embedded object when in fact what you have is an array of objects. Compare these results:


Using your sample doc above, the first one will not return, because the first storeCode does not have an x in it ("abc-1234"), the second will return the document. That's fine for the case where you are looking at a single element of the array and pass in the position. In order to search all of the objcts in the array, you want $elemMatch

As an example, I added this second example doc:

    "_id" : ObjectId("4f94fe633004c1ef4d892315"),
    "productname" : "hammer",
    "availability" : [
                    "country" : "USA",
                    "storeCode" : "abc-1234"


Now, have a look at the results of these queries:

PRIMARY> db.testCol.find({"availability" : {$elemMatch : {"storeCode":/a/}}}).count();
PRIMARY> db.testCol.find({"availability" : {$elemMatch : {"storeCode":/x/}}}).count();
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