
How do you set the userdata in the controller action. The way I'm doing it is breaking my grid. I'm trying a simple test with no luck. Here's my code which does not work. Thanks.

       var dataJson = new

            total = 
            page = 1,
            records = 10000,
            userdata = "{test1:thefield}",
            rows = (from e in equipment
                    select new
                        id = e.equip_id,
                        cell = new string[] {
        return Json(dataJson);
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I don't think you have to convert it to an Array. I've used jqGrid and i just let the Json function serialize the object. I'm not certain that would cause a problem, but it's unnecessary at the very least.

Also, your user data would evaluate to a string (because you are sending it as a string). Try sending it as an anonymous object. ie:

userdata = new { test1 = "thefield" },

You need a value for total and a comma between that and page. (I'm guessing that's a typo. I don't think that would compile as is.)

EDIT: Also, i would recommend adding the option "jsonReader: { repeatitems: false }" to your javascript. This will allow you to send your collection in the "rows" field without converting it to the "{id: ID, cell: [ data_row_as_array ] }" syntax. You can set the property "key = true" in your colModel to indicate which field is the ID. It makes it a lot simpler to pass data to the grid.

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