
I'm using an UIManagedDocument in my project and have to change the relationship of existing objects.

All objects already exist in the database so I'm not dealing with the temporaryID/permanentID issue. I'm also almost using updateChangeCount: on my UIManagedDocument to save changes. So it shouldn't be an issue with the UIManagedDocument's usual suspects.


   |-- Department
          |-- Employee


Move a Department from one Company to another by calling [aDepartment setCompany:newCompany].

Situation 1 (succeeds):

Execute a fetchRequest on entity Department calling company = newCompany returns the expected result.

Situation 2 (fails):

Execute a fetchRequest on entity Employee calling = newCompany returns no result.

Situation 2 only succeeds after UIManagedDocument auto-saves.

Any ideas how to solve this problem?

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After dealing with this issue for quite a long time - unfortunately even Apple engineers weren't able to help - I was able to find a solution.

Calling [myManagedDocument saveToURL:fileURL forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForOverwriting completionHandler:nil]; after changing the relationships solves the problem and returns the correct state immediately.

Anyway, I was filling a bug report for this to get this done via updateChangeCount:.


the same issue. I finally find a solution by saving both managedObjectContext and it's parent context.

NSError *error;
if ( ![self.fetchedResultsController.managedObjectContext save:&error] ||![self.fetchedResultsController.managedObjectContext.parentContext save:&error]) {
    //  .....
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