
I have got a performance problem about TextField.htmlText +=msg.And I know thatTextField.appendText(msg) works better than TextField.text +=msg.So I wonder if there's some method better than TextField.htmlText +=msg?Any help would be appreciated.



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I haven't benchmarked it, but what I normally do is this:

var str:String = "bla bla";

for(var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++){
    str += " foo";

myTextfield.htmlText = str;

However, it's likely not that much of a boost unless you're doing large amounts of text and/or iterations.


Concatenate your text in a variable before assigning it to the htmlText property of any control. Every time you change that property you are calling all the lifecycle display methods like commitProperties, measure, and updateDisplayList, all of which take time to render.

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