
I'm trying to make a part of my code more fluent.

I have a string extension that makes an HTTP request out of the string and returns the response as a string. So I can do something like...

string _html = "".Request();

I'm trying to write an extension that will keep trying the request until it succeeds. My signature looks something like...

public static T KeepTrying<T>(this Func<T> KeepTryingThis) {
  // Code to ignore exceptions and keep trying goes here
  // Returns the result of KeepTryingThis if it succeeds

I intend to call it something like...

string _html = "".Request.KeepTrying();

Alas, that doesn't seem to work =). I tried making it into a lambda first but that doesn't seem to work either.

string _html = (() => "".Request()).KeepTrying();

Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do while keeping the syntax fairly fluent? Suggestions much appreciated.


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You can't use a method group for extension methods, or lambda expressions. I blogged about this a while ago.

I suspect you could cast to Func<string>:

string _html = ((Func<string>)"".Request)

but that's pretty nasty.

One alternative would be to change Request() to return a Func, and use:

string _html = "".Request().KeepTrying();

Or if you wanted to keep the Request method itself simple, just add a RequestFunc method:

public static Func<string> RequestFunc(this string url)
    return () => url.Request();

and then call:

string _html = "".RequestFunc().KeepTrying();


Why not turn this on its head?

  static T KeepTrying<T>(Func<T> func) {
        T val = default(T);
        while (true) {
            try {
                val = func();
            } catch { }

        return val;

    var html = KeepTrying(() => "".Request());

What about enhancing the Request?

string _html = "".Request(RequestOptions.KeepTrying);

string _html = "".Request(RequestOptions.Once);

RequestOptions is a enum. You could also have more options, timeout arguments, number of retries etc.


public static string RepeatingRequest(this string url) {
  string response = null;
  while ( response != null /* how ever */ ) {
    response = url.Request();
  return response;

string _html = "".RepeatingRequest();

AFAIK you can write an extension method that extends a Func<T> delegate, but the compiler doesn't know what do you mean:

string _html = "".Request.KeepTrying(); // won't work

But if you explicitly cast the delegate will work:

string _html = ((Func<string>)"".Request).KeepTrying(); // works

The question here it whether the code readability is really improved in this case by an extension method.

I wouldn't write an extension method for string. Use a more specific type, like the Uri.

The full code:

public static class Extensions
    public static UriRequest Request(this Uri uri)
        return new UriRequest(uri);

    public static UriRequest KeepTrying(this UriRequest uriRequest)
        uriRequest.KeepTrying = true;
        return uriRequest;

public class UriRequest
    public Uri Uri { get; set; }
    public bool KeepTrying { get; set; }
    public UriRequest(Uri uri)
        this.Uri = uri;

    public string ToHtml()
        var client = new System.Net.WebClient();

                using (var reader = new StreamReader(client.OpenRead(this.Uri)))
                    return reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (WebException ex)
                // log ex
        while (KeepTrying);

        return null;

    public static implicit operator string(UriRequest uriRequest)
        return uriRequest.ToHtml();

Calling it:

 string html = new Uri("").Request().KeepTrying();
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