
I have a String in TextView and I want to Linkify a substring from that string. for example:

click here to know more.

I'm getting the string dynamically. So i have to search if it has click here and convert that to link .How can I linkify "click here".

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To find a pattern inside a text and replace it, use this:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("click here");
Matcher m = p.matcher("for more info, click here");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
boolean result = m.find();
while(result) {
    m.appendReplacement(sb, "<a href=\"\">click here</a>");
    result = m.find();
String strWithLink = sb.toString();


This code will search inside your string and replaces all "click here" with a link.

And at the end, do NOT add android:autoLink="web" to you XML resource (section TextView), otherwise A-tags are not rendered correctly and are not clickable any longer.


did your tried like this

 <a href="">Click here</a>

for setting it to textview  

//get this thru supstring

String whatever="anything dynamically";        
String desc = "what you want to do is<a href=''>"+whatever+":</a>";

String urlink = "";
String link = "<a href=\"+urlink+ >link</a>"; 

Raghav has the right approach using the fromHtml() method, but if you're searching for for a String with a fixed length, you could do something like:

String toFind = "click here";
if(myString.indexOf(toFind) > -1){
   String changed = myString.substring(0, myString.indexOf(toFind)) + "<a href='http://url.whatever'>" + myString.substring(myString.indexOf(toFind), myString.indexOf(toFind) + toFind.length()) + "</a>" + myString.substring(myString.indexOf(toFind) + toFind.length());
else {
   //String doesn't contain it

When setting the actual text, you need to use: tv.setText(Html.fromHtml(yourText)); or else it will just appear as a String without any additives. The fromHtml() method allows you to use certain HTML tags inside your application. In this case, the tag which is used for linking.

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