
I am copying .exe file form a separate to my main project's folder on prebuild event but I need to build that project before build my main project so i want to build that project on prebuild event of my main project.

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Not that this is the best solution, but it will definitely work for what you want to do: Put the below into your pre-build event

"$(VS100COMNTOOLS)..\IDE\devenv" "csproj location OR sln location" /Rebuild "configuration required if you have more than configuration ex: Debug|x64"


This is what worked for me:

"$(DevEnvDir)devenv" "$(SolutionDir)MySolution.sln" /Build $(configuration) /project "$(SolutionDir)MyProjectFolder\MyProject.csproj"

Here $(DevEnvDir), $(SolutionDir), and $(configuration) are Visual Studio Macros, so this command will be translated into:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv" "D:\Learning\MySolutionFolder\MySolutionName.sln" /Build Debug /project "D:\Learning\MySolutionFolder\MyProjectFolder\MyProject.csproj"
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