
I'm new to Foursquare API and I couldn't figure out how to get nearby places given the current location? I looked at a lot of samples about this but I couldn't make it work.

Was it helpful?


see this link . It's easy to integrate the foursquare API for iPhone. I have used this one.

For example:Place Search

[Foursquare2 searchVenuesNearByLatitude:@"40.763" longitude:@"-73.990" accuracyLL:nil altitude:nil accuracyAlt:nil query:@"" limit:@"15" intent:@"" callback:^(BOOL success, id result){
            if (success) {
             //parse here
             tableData = [[FoursquareParser parseSearchVenuesResultsDictionary:(NSDictionary*)result] retain];
            [mTableView reloadData];

//Search Venues Parser

    NSArray *groupsArray = [[result objectForKey:@"response"] objectForKey:@"venues"];
    if([groupsArray count] > 0){

            NSMutableArray *resultArray = [NSMutableArray array];
    //Get Stats details
                NSDictionary *stats = [[groupsArray objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"stats"];
                [resultDictionary setObject:[stats objectForKey:@"checkinsCount"] forKey:@"checkinsCount"];
                [resultDictionary setObject:[stats objectForKey:@"tipCount"] forKey:@"tipCount"];
                [resultDictionary setObject:[stats objectForKey:@"usersCount"] forKey:@"usersCount"];

                [resultArray addObject:resultDictionary];
                return resultArray;
        return [NSMutableArray array];
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