
In C++, the use of operator cast can lead to confusion to readers of your code due to it not being obvious that a function call is being invoked. That being said, I've seen its use being discouraged.

However, under what circumstances would using operator cast be appropriate and have value which exceeds any possible confusion it might lead to?

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When the conversion is natural and has no side effects it can be useful. Nobody is going to argue that an automatic conversion from int to double is inappropriate for example, even if you can come up with a corner case that makes it confusing (and I'm not sure anybody can).

I've found the conversion from Microsoft's CString to const char * to be incredibly handy, even though I know others disagree. I wouldn't mind seeing a similar capability in std::string.


Operator casts are very useful in a C++ idiom of wrapper objects. For example, suppose you have some copy-on-write implementation of a string class. You want your users to be able to index it naturally, like

const String s = "abc";
assert(s[0] == 'a');
// given
char String::operator[](int) const

So far, you'd think this would work. Yet what happens when someone wants to modify your string? Perhaps this will work, then?

String s = "abc";
s[0] = 'z';
assert(s[0] == 'z');
// given
char & String::operator[](int)

But this implementation gives a reference to a non-const character. So someone can always use that reference to modify the string. So, before it hands out the reference, it has to perform a copy of the string internally, so that other strings won't be modified. Thus it's not possible to use operator[] on non-const strings without forcing a copy. What to do?

Instead of returning a character reference, you can return a wrapper object with following interface:

class CharRef { public: operator char() const; CharRef & operator=(char); };

The char() conversion operator simply returns a copy of the character stored in the string. When you assign to the wrapper, though, the operator=(char) will force the string to perform an internal copy if the reference count is >1, and modify that copy instead.

The wrapper's implementation may, for example, hold the char and a pointer to the string (probably some subpart of the string's implementation).

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