
I got domain name from google apps. I am using it for some personal stuff.

I need a good host provider and that should support linux shell installations, with perl, python, php, My SQL support.

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For a free sollution try Freehostia or 110mb. Both are free and do not force adverts. If your looking for something more reliable that supports more bandwidth and storage have a look at Hostgator. The plans aren't cheap but they are mighty reliable and quick.

After you have an account you can input the name of your domain and then they will give you two 'name servers'. You will need to go to the place you purchased your domain and input those nameservers.

It's clear sailing from there.


I use slicehost, recently acquired by rackspace, and am very happy with them. They give you a virtual private server, so you have more flexibility than, say, dreamhost, where you don't, as I understand, have root access.

Here's my own list of webhosting ideas from when I was shopping around:

I don't expect the above list to be very useful, and can't even vouch for any of those links, but perhaps it will give other answerers ideas.

Finally, I can vouch for the fact that appjet, creators of etherpad, is simply amazing. Not necessarily what you're looking for, but worth checking out. They do let you point your own domain name at apps they host for you.

[PS: I encountered a bug in the html rendering here. Looked fine in preview but then all the links were fubar when I actually submitted.]

I've been using for the last few months. You can host your site for pennies/month. Some features:

  • $1.00/GB transfered and as low as $0.20/GB (the more you transfer the cheaper the rate)
  • Disk storage $0.01/MB per month.
  • Multiple sub-accounts and domains (no charge)
  • SSH shell logins
  • SFTP/SCP file transfers (SSH traffic is not billed)
  • Password-less SSH logins with RSA Public Key files
  • DNS hosting (no charge)
  • CGI lisp, perl, python, ruby, and tcl scripting
  • mySQL databases
  • ... lots more info here (thanks Evan)
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