
I have an excel add-in that keeps coming back when I start excel, even though I've removed it from the last open instance of excel (yes I checked the processes in task manager).

The critter even shows up when I start excel in safe mode.

Anybody else had this?

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Perhaps the add-in file is sitting in the Excel startup directory?

Tools -> Options -> General -> 'At startup, open all files in'

As well as the entry in this setting, Excel may also be implictly loading the add-in from folders such as

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeVersion\Xlstart

C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

Any folder named 'xlstart' is a candidate - perhaps it's worth searching your C drive for such folders and/or the actual name of the add-in file.

Also, check the registry for Excel OPEN entries. Start -> Run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\version\Excel\Options. Look for any values named OPENx.


1) Did you check C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns and see if the file is there? If it is, you could delete it from there.

2) Try these steps:

• Try searching your C drive for all .xla or .xlam files and see if you can find the one that looks like the add-in you're trying to delete.

• If you find it, delete it (let it go to recycle bin though just in case something goes wrong and you want to get it back quickly).

• Once you delete it, start Excel. You may get message about add-in being missing, and if so say yes when prompted if you want to remove add-in from list.

• If not prompted, go to tools add-ins and check the box for the add-in you are trying to delete. Excel won't be able to find it, then it should prompt you as to whether you want to remove it from list. Say yes.

I found there was a process spawning the addin, and somehow managed to break it. Excel offered for me to disable it, and told me I could find it in Help > About > Disabled items if I wanted to reinstate it.

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