
I am using NerdDinner (MVC 2) as the foundation of my project. While the repository interface design works very well, in my real world application there are a dozen of model classes (while NerdDinner has only one, Dinner), which means I need one interface (and its implementation) for each class. Additionally, the basic interface methods (get, save, add, delete etc) are the same, which means I have to copy & paste the same code in every implementation class. The only thing that changes is the type of the class, for example the Customer's interface exposes:

void Add(Customer customer)

and the Order's interface exposes:

void Add(Order order)

The implementation is essentially the same for both methods but uses the appropriate model type, of course:




respectively. To stop repeating the same code over and over again (and minimize the number of .cs files in my project) I thought I could define a generic base repository interface, for example:

public interface IRepository<T>
void Add(T t)
void Delete(T t)
void Save();   // This one is truly the same in any case!

but how can I apply the generic type to the implementation code? I need something like:


can this be done?

PS: db is the datacontext object (I am using the linq to sql designer).


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From your question

but how can I apply the generic type to the implementation code? I need something like:
can this be done?

I am assuming you need something like this


A simple repository implementation to give you an idea:

public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
    private NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext();

    public Table<T> Data
            return db.GetTable<T>();

    public void Add(T entity)

    public void Delete(T entity)

    public void Save()
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