
I am making a php based application. When two users are logged in from same the browser in different tabs then they can access each other page. How to prevent this?

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I see there 4 solutions:

  1. You could just try to give that window (in this case tab) a name to detect a special window with JavaScript:

    if( {...}
  2. Use a session with a GET parameter and not with a cookie.

  3. Use a random sub domain with normal cookies that operates on that subdomain.

  4. Use a normal cookie which is restricted to a "virtual" directory which not really exists with the usage of mod_rewrite. Idea based on this comment.


Use $_SESSION or $_COOKIE to store a generated key that is created when a user logs in and update your database so that when a user changes a page, you access their information based on that generated key. Also you need might want to create a simple function that checks the key and than use another function for your page, if it's like a menu bar or login box, wrap it inside an if statement like

   // User is logged in so show whatever
} else {
   // Login box here

use property or set cookie for each user by time of opening browser tab.

you application is not checking if user is currently logged in or not so what you have to do first when user enters credentials and logs in set a session variable

$_SESSION['logged_in'] = "true";

then you have to make some modification to your index page as follows at the beginning of page


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