
This drawing shows a tree of parent-child relationships. It is directed, without cycles. A child can have multiple parents.

The corresponding array of arrays in Perl is:

    [A C],
    [B C],
    [D F G],
    [C E D],
    [E J X I],
    [I J]

The first element in each sub-array is the parent of the rest, and the number of sub-arrays is the number of nodes who have at least one child.


I want to assign a number to each node which tells which level it is on in the graph. The level should also tell whether two nodes are independent, by which I mean they are not in direct parent-child relation. The answer to this specific example should (among many other answers) be:

[A B C D E F G X I J]
[1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5]

I solution can be implemented in any language, but Perl is preferred.

Still, non of the suggested solutions seems to work for this array:

  [ qw( Z A   )],
  [ qw( B D E ) ],
  [ qw( A B C ) ],    
  [ qw( G A E  )],
  [ qw( L B E )]  

as does

  [ qw/ M A / ],
  [ qw/ N A X / ],
  [ qw/ A B C / ],
  [ qw/ B D E / ],
  [ qw/ C F G / ], 
  [ qw/ F G / ]
  [ qw/ X C / ]
Was it helpful?

Solution 3

Finally, I think I have solved the problem of finding correct levels, using Borodin's and ikegami's solutions (thanks guys, highly appreiciate your efforts):

#!/usr/local/perl -w 

use strict;
use warnings;
use Graph::Directed;
use List::Util qw( min max );

# my @data = (
# [ qw/ M A/ ],
# [ qw/ N A X/ ],
# [ qw/ A B C / ],
# [ qw/ B D E F/ ],
# [ qw/ C F G / ], 
# [ qw/ F G / ],
# [ qw/ X C G/ ],
# [ qw/ L A B /],
# [ qw/ Q M D/]
# );

# my @data = (
# [ qw( Z A   )],
# [ qw( B D E ) ],
# [ qw( A B C ) ],    
# [ qw( G A E  )],
# [ qw( L B E )]  
# );

# my @data = (
# [ qw/ M A / ],
# [ qw/ N A X / ],
# [ qw/ A B C / ],
# [ qw/ B D E / ],
# [ qw/ C F G / ], 
# [ qw/ F G / ],
# [ qw/ X C / ]
# );

my @data = (
[ qw/ A M B C/ ],
[ qw/ B D F C/ ],
[ qw/ D G/ ],
[ qw/ F G/ ],
[ qw/ C G/ ],
[ qw/ M G/ ],  

sub createGraph{
my @data = @{$_[0]};
my $graph = Graph->new(directed => 1);

foreach (@data) {
  my ($parent, @children) = @$_;
  $graph->add_edge($parent, $_) for @children;

my @cycleFound = $graph->find_a_cycle;    
print "$_\n" for (@cycleFound);
$graph->is_dag() or die("Graph has cycles - unable to sort\n");
$graph->is_weakly_connected() or die "Graph not weakly connected - unable to analyze\n";  
return $graph;

sub getLevels{
my @data = @{$_[0]};
my $graph = createGraph \@data;

my @artifacts = $graph->topological_sort();
chomp @artifacts; 
print "--------------------------\n";
print "Topologically sorted list: \n";
print "$_ " for @artifacts;        
print "\n--------------------------\n";

print "Initial levels (longest path):\n";
my @sources = $graph->source_vertices;
my %max_levels = map { $_=>[]} @artifacts;
my @levels = ();
for my $vertex (@artifacts) {
    my $path = 0;
        if(defined($graph->path_length($_, $vertex))){
            if ($graph->path_length($_, $vertex) > $path){
                $path = $graph->path_length($_, $vertex)
 printf "%s - %d\n", $vertex, $path;
 push @levels, $path;
 push @{$max_levels{$vertex}}, $path;
print "--------------------------\n";

for (my $i = 0; $i < @levels; $i++){ 
my $parent_level = $levels[$i];
my $parent = $artifacts[$i];                
    for (my $j = $i+1; $j < @levels; $j++){ 
        my $child = $artifacts[$j];
        for (@data){
            my ($p, @c) = @{$_};
            if($parent eq $p){
                my @matches = grep(/$child/, @c);
                if(scalar(@matches) != 0){
                    $levels[$j]  = 1 + $parent_level;
                    push @{$max_levels{$child}},$levels[$j];
                    $levels[$j] = max @{$max_levels{$child}};
print "Final levels:\n";
my %sorted = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < @levels; $i++){
    $sorted{$artifacts[$i]} = $levels[$i];
my @orderedList = sort { $sorted{$a} <=> $sorted{$b} } keys %sorted;
print "$sorted{$_} $_\n" for @orderedList;
print "--------------------------\n";   
return  \%max_levels;

getLevels \@data;


    Topologically sorted list:
    A M B D C F G
    Initial levels (longest path):
    A - 0
    M - 1
    B - 1
    D - 2
    C - 1
    F - 2
    G - 2
    Final levels:
    0 A
    1 M
    1 B
    2 F
    2 C
    2 D
    3 G


The Graph::Directed module will make it simpler to handle this kind of data.

Multiple source nodes makes it potentially more complicated (for instance if there was another edge [Y, X]) but as long as all the sources are at the first level it is workable.

Here is some code that produces the information you say you expect. It assumes all nodes below the top level are accessible from the first source node and measures their path length from there, ignoring the second source.

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'say';

use Graph::Directed;

my @data = (
  [ qw/ A C / ],
  [ qw/ B C / ],
  [ qw/ D F G / ],
  [ qw/ C E D / ],
  [ qw/ E J X I / ],
  [ qw/ I J / ],

my $graph = Graph->new(directed => 1);

for my $item (@data) {
  my $parent = shift @$item;
  $graph->add_edge($parent, $_) for @$item;

my ($source) = $graph->source_vertices;

for my $vertex (sort $graph->vertices) {
  my $path;
  if ($graph->is_source_vertex($vertex)) {
    $path = 0;
  else {
    $path = $graph->path_length($source, $vertex);
  printf "%s - %d\n", $vertex, $path+1;


A - 1
B - 1
C - 2
D - 3
E - 3
F - 4
G - 4
I - 4
J - 4
X - 4

[This calculates, for each node, the length of the shortest path from a root. But the OP want the length of the longest of the shortest path from each root.]

All you have to do is find the root nodes, then do a breadth-first traversal.

my %graph = map { my ($name, @children) = @$_; $name => \@children } (
    [qw( A C )],
    [qw( B C )],
    [qw( D F G )],
    [qw( C E D )],
    [qw( E J X I )],
    [qw( I J )]

my %non_roots = map { $_ => 1 } map @$_, values(%graph);
my @roots = grep !$non_roots{$_}, keys(%graph);

my %results;
my @todo = map [ $_ => 1 ], @roots;
while (@todo) {
   my ($name, $depth) = @{ shift(@todo) };
   next if $results{$name};

   $results{$name} = $depth;
   push @todo, map [ $_ => $depth+1 ], @{ $graph{$name} }
      if $graph{$name};

my @names  = sort { $results{$a} <=> $results{$b} || $a cmp $b } keys(%results);
my @depths = @results{@names};
print "@names\n@depths\n";
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