
I'm using this to (try) to validate a 'strong' password in ColdFusion 7.

if ( REFind("^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@##$&*])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z]).{6}$", myPassword, 1) EQ 0 )

However, it is failing. Can someone point out my error?

The criteria I think I'm testing is:

  • 1 upper
  • 1 lower
  • 1 number
  • 1 special char
  • 6 digit min

Footnotes for non-CF people:

  • the double hash is to escape the CF hash;
  • ColdFusion uses Jakarta ORO 2.0.6 as its regex engine
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Ok, well the set of criteria you're trying to test on are bad.

For example, Pa$5word meets the criteria but is a bad choice, whilst my name |z NOT Fr£d is much stronger but fails (no numbers; different symbols).

Ideally you should look for and existing password strength checker (although I've no idea if there are any existing/good ones out there).

Anyhow, for a simple solution to what you've asked, that spells out exactly what is being checked, just do:

<cfif NOT 
    ( len(myPassword) GTE 6
    AND refind('[A-Z]',myPassword)
    AND refind('[a-z]',myPassword)
    AND refind('[0-9]',myPassword)
    AND refind('[!@##$&*]',myPassword)

There is no need/benefit to smushing it all into a single regex.


One reason why it might be failing is your business rule is "at least six characters", but your regex enforces exactly six characters.

Also: it'd be helpful it you stated which conditions it fails on. My superficial testing suggests you're fine except for the caveat I mention above. If you could finetune your question to point out what non-superficial testing that I'm not thinking about is failing, that'd be helpful.

In the real world, I'd also expect what punctuation characters you consider valid, too. Your list is a bit short. But that's nowt to do with you current problem.

Try this.


Add comma after six since you want to allow more than 6 characters and $ must be escaped with \$


Try below, ^ and $ removed from above one


fwiw to separate out the different character failures:

<cfscript> raRe=[["[a-z]","lowercase"],["[A-Z]","uppercase"],["[\W]","non-alphanumeric"],["[\d]","numeric"]];</cfscript>
 <cfloop from=1 to=4 index="idxRe">
  #idxRe#: refind(raRe[idxRe][1], myPassword):<b>#refind(raRe[idxRe][1], myPassword)#</b> myPassword:<b>#myPassword#</b>; re:<b>#raRe[idxRe][1]#</b>; <br />
  <cfif refind(raRe[idxRe][1], myPassword) eq 0><b>Your password must include at least one #raRe[idxRe][2]# character</b><br /></cfif>

And of course if >=6 is also required:

<cfif Len(myPassword) lte 6><b>Your password must be at least 6 characters long</b></cfif>
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