
I have following XAML. I have to set margin to CanvasRuler as per child control (LabelEditFrame) Left position. How do I do that.

            <wpfcommon:CanvasRuler />     <!-- Horizontal -->
            </wpfcommon:CanvasRuler  />   <!-- Vertical -->
                    </ wpfcommon:LabelEditFrame>

Right now I have this

enter image description here

I want to have this (I can do that by setting hard coded value, but I need to set it dynamically, so if position of child control gets changes, it will change ruler position automatically).

enter image description here

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From my experience, if this is on a Canvas and are children on a canvas, you can use the





So for the Rulers, you can set the:

VerticalAlignment="Top", HorizontalAlignment="Left

Then when the LabelEditFrame is moved (whichever event you use to trigger that), you can adjust the two rulers with something like this:

Canvas.SetLeft(HorizontalCanvasRuler, LabelEditFrame.Margin.Left);
Canvas.SetTop(VerticalCanvasRuler, LabelEditFrame.Margin.Top);

I haven't tried this out, but I have used to adjust controls like this before so it should work :)


I suggest you to put all that stuff to Grid and allow it calculate anything for you:

        <RowDefinition Height="SomeFixedHeightToGetTopMargin"/>
        <ColumnDefinition  Width="SomeFixedWithToGetLeftMargin"/>

    <wpfcommon:CanvasRuler Grid.Column="1"/>
    <wpfcommon:CanvasRuler Grid.Row="1"/>
    <Border Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
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